I made a post a while ago around the issues with painting the minis from the War of the Rings (2nd Edition) game.
These issues - especially how the models go very sticky, even months later, are detailed on many forums, with the general consensus being that the plastic used in the original 2nd edition manufacture is different from that of other games, and has reacted with the paint - although many people reply stating it is due to everything from the mould oil to the type of paint (although mostly from people who have not tried to paint these figures).
I've also contacted Ares Games (the makers of the game) who have stated that there are no problems with the plastic, and you just need to wash them... (which of course I did, and again does not explain any of the issues.)
Well, I've now had a chance to get hold of the 1st Edition figures, and the Battle of the Five Armies figures (both which use the same moulding / figures as WoTR) and compare these side by side.
So - here is a quick video showing the issues, and how the plastic differs between editions