Saturday 10 September 2016

Painting War of the Ring - Part 2 - Preparing to Paint the Armies

Here are the preparations for painting the 200 figures

The first step (after washing them) is to glue the plastic figures to strips of card, so they can be painted more easily. Normal PVA glue works fine for this, as it comes away easily when you are finished.

The figures are glued in strips

Once glued, they were carried downstairs in boxes.

The first stage is to prime them with a good spray primer. This needs to be well ventilated - outside seemed an ideal spot!

I used Army Painted Leather Brown for the undercoat.

The army was then left on a large board to dry

From here they were carried upstairs to complete the drying process

I use a combination of Games Workshop paints, Vallejo paints and primers, and Army Painter paints.

I was now ready to start painting.

However - I found out that the plastic used in the Ares made game is not compatible with most spray primers! It reacts with the plastic, and forms a sticky shiny surface.

To counter this, I had to re-undercoat with brush on primer, and then coat with a dullcote matt gloss varnish.

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